2017 HETP Application | Grow Your Existing Business

This course shall consist of 20-50 participants that have previously completed a SHCCNJ HETP course and/or SHCCNJ small business members that want to expand their business platforms. Bilingual subject-matter experts will lead participants through 8-10 workshops on a variety of topics critical to establishing and strengthening a business. Participants will be paired with coaches for a 12-week period. Also, all will be granted access to our shared office space at Bergen Community College.
Fluent Language(s) *
Business Address
What areas do you need help with? *
Growth & Sustainability Challenges
All business constantly evolves and grows, or fails. Please answer the following as concisely, but as detailed as possible. Todo negocio evoluciona constantemente y crece, o fracasa. Por favor, conteste la siguiente forma más concisa, pero lo más detallado posible.
About the Hispanic Entrepreneurship Training Program: